Acts are subject to change!

Arial Silks
The Phoenix princess discovered the prince and,
attracted by his strength and bravery, she saved him and took him to
her home by the sea. They bathed in the warm sunshine, strolled in the
soft moonlight, danced, talked and happily learned from the
inhabitants of the beautiful land.
Trio Human Strength
They were often astounded by the strength
and beauty of the inhabitants of this enchanting land.
Ball Tricks
They laughed in delight at the moon fairies frolicking
with the stars.
Hunan Springboard
The Princess led the Prince through her
Kingdom of Joy learning valuable lessons such as how to work in
harmony with others.
Hoop Diving
From her tiny flame the fires grew until they blazed
higher and higher and at last she was able her to use her powers as a
Phoenix to end this life and return again. The light from her flame ,
bathed the Dream Palace in its terrible glow.
Ballet on his Shoulder
The Princess struggled to escape from the
evil spirit but he held her firmly in his power.
Chair Stack
As the clouds parted, he saw the God of the Shining
Sun climbing up to his throne, high in the night sky. The man took pity
on the prince and gave him a weapon to use to end the evil spirit’s
Trampoline/Pole Climbing
The sailors were amazed to see their
captain, the Prince, and they soon set sail with the magic lantern
lighting their way.

Here is a little teaser of a few of the acts you might see at the Incredible! Acrobats of China®